Bandicam 2014-05-04 21-06-39-661 6
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Boss Battles Two new challenging boss battles will be added with the Autumn Update. Frostisson the legendary Ice Dragon will appear in St. Nivalis and the Two Kings will lure brave adventurers into a temple on Banuna. So prepare yourself for new epic and challenging battles.
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Instanced Weapons A few of the dropped weapons and armour pieces will have randomized values. So you have the chance to find unique versions of various items during your journey. Each of those items can be up to 10% more or less powerful than the default item. A new small icon will give you a quick indication if the weapon is common (less powerful), uncommon (near the default values) or rare (more powerful).
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Achievements for explorers If you have collected a lot of Explorer Stars during your journey you will be rewarded with new achievements. You will receive an achievement for 1, 50, 100, 500 or 1000 stars collected. GMs will be highlighted All GM names will have a unique colour, being red, to identify a real GM on the first look. So players pretending to be a GM can easily be recognized.

Extended Monster Stats: The Monster Stats will show you more information about the monsters you have killed. Based on the number of kills, you will receive data about its hitpoints, attack type, weakness and item drops.
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Beta Test You want to try out the changes and see how they feel? We are going to have an open Beta Test from 31.10.2012 until 05.11.2012. More details once it is ready Also our Fansite admins will receive early access to the Beta and will be reporting about the changes in advance.

(c) Blue Magican
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